How To Housebreak A Puppy

How To Housebreak A Puppy

    * Always manage the puppy in a crate that is small enough that he cannot eliminate in one end and sleep comfortably in the other end.

    * When the puppy wakes, open the crate door, let him walk out, then take him in your arms and carry him outside.  Do not let him walk to the door or he will probably wee before he gets there.

    * Put him down in the spot where you hope he will choose to eliminate.

    * Wait patiently with him, either standing still or walking about.  Do not speak to him or engage him in any play, or he will be distracted from the task at hand.

    * When he eliminates, praise him profusely.  Then, wait for him to do “number two” (by walking about or standing still quietly).  When he does his business, praise him profusely, again.

    * Now, you can play with him outdoors for a while or take him indoors.

    * Once inside, you must supervise him 100%.  Confine him to the room in which you are by using baby gates or by closing doors.  Allow him access to water. Interact with him or let him relax and chew on a toy.  Then, after 20-50 minutes, put him back in his crate to nap.

    * If it is time for a meal, give him his meal in his crate.

    * After 20-40 minutes, remove the meal and take him outdoors again.  Most very young puppies need to eliminate from 20-40 minutes after they eat.  Repeat the steps for outdoor supervision and praising.  Do not bring him indoors until he has done his duty.

    * Once inside, you can put him directly in his crate for 2-4 hours, depending on his age.

    * A 12 week old puppy should be able to remain crated for 4-5 hours.

    * A six month old puppy should be able to remain crated for 6-7 hours.

    * A ten month old puppy should be able to remain crated for 8 hours.

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