5 Tips on Puppies Crate Training

1. First of all, when you just get a new puppy dog and want to give him puppies crate training, you need to find a small crate that is the perfect size for him. Since you need to anticipate his increases in size over the next couple weeks, you need to make sure the size of the crate is large enough. On the other hand, the crate is also has to be small enough so your puppy dog doesn't find a small corner of the crate to relieve himself in.

2. At the beginning, you need to confine your puppy dog in his crate just for short periods of time. Then you need to take him outside the house at regular time to make him takes care of his business. Don’t forget to lavish him with praise and give him a reward after he is done. But if he doesn't, you need to take your puppy dog back inside the house and put him to his crate. You need to do this puppies crate training’s step every day regularly until you see a pattern and finally your puppy dog's elimination schedule will become clear.

3. The third dicipline on puppies crate training is, don't keep your puppy dog in his crate for a long period of time. This is the crucial part, because you need to invest your time to remove him from his crate at regular time to take him outside the house. If you do let your puppy dog in his crate for al ong time, your puppy dog might relieve himself in his crate and that means you need to do the puppies crate training all over again.

4. Always lavish with a praise and reward your puppy dog after doing elimination but never give him any punishment in any accident. That is the fourth dicipline on puppies crate training.

5. If accident happens you just need to clean it up and write down the time when it happens. This is normal, because accidents happen to all dog along the way. But when accident happens, and you swat your puppy dog’s head with a newspaper, or you rub his nose in his own mess , this will only fright your puppy dog to eliminate in your presence, and even worse, you will back to square one and start the puppies crate training all over again.

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House Training Puppies

House training puppies can be devided in two techniques. The first is paper training and the second is crate training. Both techniques are basically about teaching your puppy dog when and where to do the elimination. Yup, that’s right, elimination. It is crucial especially if you've just become the owner of a brand new puppy dog. Why?... well, most puppy dogs needs to eliminate as many as as six times a day! But the good thing is, the sooner you begin the house training puppies, the less damage your carpets and furnishings will suffer! House training puppies is easier than house training an mature dog, just get ready to spend some amount of time and effort. But if you think you don’t have time to do house training, then you better reconsider your decision to get a puppy dog.

OK, back to the techniques. The crate training you can actually read on my earlier posting, puppies crate training. The paper training is a technique where you will direct your puppy dog to a spot that you have layered with newspaper. Just make sure that you have papered a large area to begin with. And if you want to make cleaning easier, you better pick an area with no carpet. Usually, the kitchens and laundry rooms are the best spots.

When you’re not home with him for a long period of time during this house training puppies , remember to confine your puppy dog to his little room where the floor has been covered with newspaper. And then, as time goes by, you would notice your puppy dog will start to show a preferred spot in the room for doing elimination. When you see the spot is well established and the rest of the papers remain clean, that means this the time to gradually decrease the area of he floor that is papered until you are only leaving a few sheets down in that one area only.

Now after reading the two house training puppies techniques, you need to know when the usual time your puppy dog do the elimination. Actually there is no way you can predict when your puppy dog’s elimination times if you’re not controlling the feeding times. Therefore, during this house training puppies, you should ONLY offer food at set mealtimes each day and should not be left available all day or night. If your puppy dog hasn’t eaten his food within 20-30 minutes, pick up the dish and don’t put more food until the next scheduled eating time. Of course you’ll need to allow him access to water at all times, but the consequence is you will never be sure when he might need to pee.

During house training puppies, don’t forget to take your puppy dog outside on a leash as soon as you get up every morning. Take him to the same elimination spot every time and wait there with him until he takes care of his business. After he’s done, praise him lavishly for being a clever and good puppy dog that he is, and then take him back inside your house for breakfast. After feeding him, try to play a few minutes with your puppy dog and then take him back outside on his leash, to his elimination spot as before.

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Puppies Crate Training

Crate Training Puppies

Crate training puppies.
There is misconception about puppies crate training. Many dog owners find the concept of a puppies crate training to be uncomfortably similar to a cage. 

Well, this is absolutely not true, in fact your puppy dog will actually find a crate to be a secure and safe place. A crate is a essential for your puppy dog. It is a domestic version of a den. 

Back before dogs became domesticated, a den was used when they needed privacy and shelter. For us, a human, it is like our bed room. So, a crate is one place in your house that is completely own by your puppy dog.

Remember, never use a crate as punishment during and after puppies crate training. A crate must always be considered as a safe and special retreat, otherwise the problem will arise. The crate is not intended as a place to lock up your puppy dog and forget him for extended periods of time. 

Your puppy dog should only be confined to a crate when you are at home. Except at night, give your puppy dog an opportunity to relieve himself every hour. Each time you let him out, put him on leash and immediately take him outside. Once outside, give him about five minutes to produce. Natural instinct of a dog is to keep the area in which he take a rest as clean as possible. 

Most dogs are very resistant to being near their own waste and therefore will make an extra effort to control their own elimination when confined to a crate. So you, as a dog owner, during this puppies crate training, need to take your puppy dog to a proper place to do the elimination immediately after your puppy dog is released from the crate. And by doing so, your puppy dog quickly learns when and where to do the elimination.

Be sure to understand the difference between puppies crate training and long term confinement when you are not home. The major purpose of confinement when your are not home is to restrict mistakes to a small protected area. On the other hand, puppies crate training is intended to inhibit your puppy dog from eliminating when confined, so that he will want to eliminate when released from confinement and taken to an appropriate area.  

Puppies crate training also helps teach your puppy dog to have bladder and bowel control. Instead of going whenever he feels like it, he learns to hold it and go at convenient scheduled times.

There are many advantages of puppies crate training. But the first and foremost, puppies crate training is a great training tool for housebreaking. Yup, that is right. In fact, you'll find it harder to train your puppy dog if you are not doing puppies crate training. 

When looking for a hotel or apartment that accepts pet dogs, you'll have better luck with a crate trained dog. Many landlords make puppies crate training a criteria for allowing pets on the premises. In unfamiliar neighborings, a crate can help your puppy dog feel safe and comfortable because it is a familiar environment.

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Training Puppies

Training Puppies

puppies. Whoa..whoa..whoa.. that’s what my puppy dog says to you which means Welcome to Training Puppies (Well… I guess I’m the only one who understand that words, ha..ha..ha).
Ok, what I’m trying to say here is that, after giving some puppies training to your puppy dog, at least some form of interaction between you and your puppy dog has been established. Yup, you are right, COMMUNICATION!. That is all that matters.

Here are the articles :
  1. Puppies Training Introduction
  2. Puppies Training Principles
  3. Puppies Training Socialization
  4. Puppies Obedience Training
  5. Puppies Crate Training
  6. House Training Puppies
  7. 5 Tips On Puppies Crate Training
  8. Puppies Obedience Training 10 Tips
  9. Puppies Obedience Training Benefits

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